UN General Assembly has adopted 2011-2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety. 1.2 Million people die every year & 50 Million get affected in road accidents globally losing 1.2 Trillion USD. Dreams Motorsports works in collaboration with local, national and international enforcement agencies and organizations. We help in establishment of Road Safety Information Database for reporting of events on roads using various tools such as social media, websites, etc. We also develop safe drivers as people have a better understanding of traffic sense and traffic rules. We also help in enforcement of traffic laws as people understand the law and also know the implications or penalties. Dreams Motorsports provides services to governments, various agencies, corporate and educational institutions. We consult, assess, analyse, formulate and implement various initiatives such as campaigns, events, programmes, etc. to reduce road accidents worldwide.

Dreams Motorsports has an in-house production unit for personal protective apparels and specialized protective apparels. We offer PPEs for sports, driving, military and law enforcement, industrial and construction sectors. Good protective gear can prevent or reduce some types of injury in a crash. Well designed motorcycle gear makes riders safer and more alert by reducing discomfort, fatigue and dehydration. Bright colours and contrasts may make motorists more visible and draw the attention of other motorists. We are a completely indigenous and Made-in-India manufacturing unit using completely Indian raw materials. All our manufactured protective clothing is of European Standards approved under CE (Conformite Europeen) label.We also offer casual fabric apparels for both businesses and individuals.
Dreams Motorsports is dedicated to providing practical, cost – effective solutions for road safety related needs and offers services on an ad-hoc or more formal basis, as required. We provide safety assessments & risk assessments to examine of what could cause harm to people, and whether enough precautions are in place to prevent harm or additional measures are needed. We also assess the needs of cyclists, pedestrians and disabled users, and make recommendations for improvements. Our approach can be divided into three steps. Accident analyses and basic research are followed by integral visions, road categorisation plans and concrete design proposals. We provide a developed stakeholder support and participation in improving road safety and also establish a base for coordinated and long term planning for governments, agencies, NGOs and corporate.